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Barcode Standards

There are many barcode standards created for different purposes. Barcode standards include the content of the code, how many characters, the characters it can contain (numeric, alphanumeric). The main barcode standards are described below.
  • EAN
  • UPC
  • Code 128
  • Code 39
  • Code 39 (Extended)
  • Interleaved 2-of-5
  • Codabar
EAN has several standards within itself. EAN 13 is used for retail and international sales. It is numeric only and consists of 13 digits. The first three digits are the company code, the next four digits are the company code, the next five digits are the product code and the last character is the control character. The EAN-13 code sequence is shown below. In the example, Turkey is given as the country code.

The EAN code is not a random code. EAN-13 code of TOBB (Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey) is received with the application to be made to the Goods Numbering Center. EAN-13 is used in almost all retail products.

EAN-8 is a product specific code. The EAN-8 sequence is given below. Contain country code. Consists of 8 digit numeric coding. Product code is given by TOBB.

Country codes for EAN are given below:

Country Code


00-13 USA & Canada
20-29 reserved for local use (store/warehouse)
30 -37 France
400-440 Germany
45 Japan
46 Russian Federation
471 Taiwan
474 Estonia
475 Latvia
476 Azerbeycan
477 Lithuania
479 Sri Lanka
480 Philippines
482 Ukraine
484 Moldova
485 Armenia
486 Georgia
487 Kazakhstan
489 Hong Kong
49 Japan
50 UK
520 Greece
528 Lebanon
529 Cyprus
531 Macedonia
535 Malta
539 Ireland
54 Belgium & Luxembourg
560 Portugal
569 Iceland
57 Danmark
590 Poland
594 Romania
599 Hungary
600-601 South Africa
609 Mauritius
611 Morocco
613 Algeria
619 Tunisia
622 Egypt
625 Jordan
626 Iran
64 Finland
690-692 China
70 Norway
729 Israel
73 Sweden
740-745 Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica & Panama
746 Republica Dominicana
750 Mexico
759 Venezuela
76 Switzerland
770 Colombia
773 Uruguay
775 Peru
777 Bolivia
779 Argentina
780 Chile
784 Paraguay
785 Peru
786 Ecuador
789 Brazil
80 -83 Italy
84 Spain
850 Cuba
858 Slovakia
859 Czech
860 Yugoslavia
869    Turkey
87 Netherlands
880 South Korea
885 Thailand
888 Singapore
890 India
893 Vietnam
899 Indonesia
90-91 Austria
93 Australia
94 New Zealand
955 Malaysia
977 Uluslararası periyodik yayınlar için
978 Uluslarası Standart Kitap Numarası
979 Uluslararası müzik numarası
980 Refund receipts
99 Coupons


UPC (Universal Product Code) is the first barcode standard with the widest application. It is used for standardized coding of products for sale. EAN is a product of the UPC standard. It consists of 10 numeric digits. The first five digits are the company code and the next five characters are the product code. UPC-A and UPC-E are the most widely used standards.
Code 128
It is a standard with alphanumeric coding. Code 128 was created to hold different information in the barcode other than the product code. With Code128 barcode, weight, date, measurement results, location, shelf address information can be kept. With Code 128, you can very easily print the characteristics of the product or different information as a barcode. Alphanumeric coding can be done. Code 128 has three subcomponents. These components include various character sets. 128 characters have a wide character set that you can use.


Code 39
It is a standard with alphanumeric encoding. It is designed for 26 uppercase letters, 10 numbers and 7 special characters. It has a clear and simple coding structure. It has a coding structure that can be read very easily by readers. They usually take up a lot of space in length. Below is an example:

Code 39 (Extended)
It has the same structure as Code 39, but with an ASCII table of 128 characters.
Interleaved 2-of-5
Sadece nümerik karakter kodlamasına sahiptir. Kodlamada kullanılacak karakter sayısı çift sayıya denk  gelmelidir. Yani 6,10,12 haneli, çift sayı olan  kodlama uzunluğu kullanılabilir. Aşağıda örnek  olarak görülmektedir:

Codabar is a coding standard mostly used in the library, medical industry. It can contain numeric characters, control characters and start/stop characters. Codabar is also called USD-4, NW-7 or 2-of-7 code.

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