Plastic CD/DVD envelope for catalogs and files in the form of stickers… Cut and paste…
180 micron center cover and 100 micron top cover in 2 different shapes.
Allows CD/DVD mounting on materials such as self-adhesive plastic (PVC) CD/DVD envelopes, catalogs, cardboard CD/DVD covers or files. It is in the form of a sticker and is self-adhesive. It is extremely practical to remove it from its carrier and stick it on the cover of products such as files, catalogs, folders, books. Adhesion strength is very high. Self-adhesive Plastic CD Envelope protects CD-DVDs and prevents scratching and deterioration.
The adhesive CD envelope is made of a soft plastic material that prevents scratches and damage to your CDs that you envelop in catalogs, files, folders or book covers. Being transparent also makes the CD surface printing visible.
Self-adhesive Plastic CD Envelopes are clamshell. Optionally transparent or frosted (translucent). It is ideal for press files, product files, catalogs, brochures or special boxes to attach CDs or DVDs. Since it is easily removable and self-adhesive, it can be glued very quickly and quickly and time can be saved.
The adhesion strength of both types of CD envelopes is very high.
100 Micron CD Envelope is more economical than 180 micron CD envelope. Please call us for price information. Our phone number is 0212 222 38 01.
We ship the product to your address with a phone call.
PVC CD envelopes were used for multimedia CDs given with Festo catalogs.The CD envelope is made of 180 micron PVC material, has a center flap and a self-adhesive back with a full sticker.
Click here for current price information and online purchase of 180 micron PVC CD Envelope you see in the photo above.
Made of 100 Micron CPP material, this envelope has two strips of double-sided tape on the back and a top flap. Economical It cannot be removed from the adhered surface. Prevents scratching and deterioration of CD/DVD.Plastic CD Envelope, Adheres to all kinds of surfaces.
Click here for current price information and purchase the CPP 100 micron CD envelope you see photos above.
These self-adhesive envelopes have a top flap and you can simply peel off the two strips of tape on the back, stick them to your catalog and insert your CD. It is also more affordable.
You can use our self-adhesive (sticker-shaped) transparent CD envelopes for your press file or multimedia files. Our CD envelopes are self-clamshell.
Plastic CD Envelope with one side adhesive
If you want to attach 2 CDs to your catalog, but you only want one side of the CD Envelope to be adhesive backed, you can use the product below. Designed to hold 2 CDs, this CD envelope is designed so that one side sticks to one page of your catalog. When you close your catalog or book 2. The CD will be folded together with the book.
If you want to present your company or product CD with your corporate folder, you can use our self-adhesive PVC CD envelopes.
Usage Video
Easy and practical.

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